Radar Software Development with SPx Development Library

Discover the powerful capabilities of the SPx development library to drive the creation of advanced radar applications. From command and control systems to maritime traffic management, the versatility of the library allows the efficient development of a variety of applications.

Custom Radar Processing Capabilities

The SPx library offers a wide range of radar processing capabilities, from dynamic detection limits to graph extraction. Each process is fully parameterizable, allowing you to adapt its behavior to your specific requirements. See the modules tab for a complete list of available capabilities.

Simple Implementation

The SPx Development Library is supplied as one or more software modules with well-defined inputs, outputs and control parameters. You can easily integrate these modules into your C++ or .NET application, selecting only the necessary capabilities. The flexibility of linking multiple SPx modules allows you to build a complete processing chain according to your needs. Maintain full control over the parameters of each SPx module and, if necessary, add your own modules without affecting the existing system.


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    Essential Components

    Included in the library are video compression and decompression components designed specifically for radar video. With special attention to signal quality and latency minimization for network distribution, these components are easily integrated into C++ or .NET based programs. Your application remains in control.

    High Performance Radar Scanning Conversion

    The SPx library provides high performance radar scan conversion modules, creating PPI, A-Scan or B-Scan displays with industry standard graphics hardware. This highly flexible scan converter can be used alone or in combination with other SPx modules for a complete chain of acquisition, processing and visualization.

    SPx Radar Scan Conversion Scanner Details

    Profitability and High Performance

    The software-based SPx scan converter harnesses the power of modern multi-core processors and graphics processing units. With a