Having power supplies is essential to guarantee energy in the missions. But have you ever considered making a customized power supply?
It is clear that, nowadays, there is a great variety of power supplies in the market that can help you manage your needs, but it is possible that you find that, in a project you need something extra. In these cases you can resort to tailored power supplies.
From DDC, this power supplies services are offered to all their clients in the aerospace, defense and industrial fields. In the aerospace case, DDC offers reliable and customized solutions for communication and entertainment platforms on the flight. All of them meet Airbus and Boeing specifications, and power can be adjusted in any case.
If we talk about the defense part, whether it is in land, air or sea, the custom-made DCD power supplies have a wide range, being designed for large companies in the industry and always responding to all customer needs and standards of security, which are imposed for their safe performance.
Finally, custom-made power supplies can also be applied in the industrial field, with capabilities for the design and mechanical packaging, as well as possibilities to choose power use and several power outputs, just to name a few aspects.
If you want to deepen into any of the options offered by DDC in order to manufacture customized power supplies, do not miss the following information.