Security in military systems helps combatants to carry out their missions reliably. That is why all the hardwares and softwares that are used must be designed to its safe use.
Once they are started, special attention is required to ensure the operation goes as planned. This is usually complicated, since very few developers have access to the application code, not to mention that, as usual, these applications are custom designed to execute a specific mission, so the review which is usually done is always at a general level.
This lack of in-depth review of the particularities of each software can result in undiscovered vulnerability. In addition, it must be borne in mind that application codes of military systems are usually tested at the beginning and, once implemented, they are no longer subject to further tests. All this makes discovering security flaws over time very complicated.
If we continue with security problems, we must add that, normally, there are budget and time constraints, leaving the software updates aside, especially if it is already being used in missions. Moreover, even if security failures are discovered, the costs of correcting that failure are usually excessive, so they are not fixed.
To avoid all of this once the softwares are implemented, it is important to use all kinds of techniques to detect failures before the implementation is carried out. In addition to delivering safer products, you save time and money in the long run. For this reason, it is imperative that system developers make the right decisions about the application code from the beginning.
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