It is becoming more common to see how weight, size and power (SWAP) demands proliferate within the aeronautical sector. Small aircraft with limited space available have made it possible for micro data link systems to go more and more, but now, in addition to these features, a low price is also required. COMMTACT Ltd. has put on the market a system of micro links (MDLS Micro Data Link System) that perfectly fulfills all these requirements.
The MDLS system is cataloged as ultra compact and ultra light, and adapts to the smaller aircraft. Moreover, as a bonus, it has low energy consumption and is incorporated with interfaces for digital signal processing. Finally, this system meets the most demanding environmental conditions for applications where resistance to shock, vibration, etc. is required.
For all these reasons, the MDLS system is suitable for small UAVs, as well as for a large number of platforms that require a small tactical communications system.
Learn more about this product and its features here.